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Faith Simiyu at Law Society of Kenya CPD Seminar

On 4th September 2015, Faith Simiyu presented a paper titled ''Rethinking and Recasting the Quest for Devolved Governance in Kenya" during the Law Society of Kenya's Continous Professional Development Seminar held at Alba Hotel in Meru County. The seminar sought to investigate the Emerging legal Issues in the Agriculture and Cooperative Sectiors of Kenya and provides oportunity for lawyers to converge and receive further training on legal issues.


Amongst other key speakers were Mrs Jane Otada, the Assistant Director and Head of Biotechnology and Biosafety, in the Ministry  of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and Mr Timothy Kariuki, the Chaiperson of the Co-opertaive Triburnal in Kenya.

As SOKLaw, we encourage discourse within the legal fraternity and remain proud to be associated with Faith Simiyu in her endeavours.